Better Business Bureau Scam Alert - Counterfeit Product Scams

Counterfeit Product Scams – If you are in the market for a Gucci bag, Tiffany necklace, or other luxury brand item, then scammers have designs on you. Popular luxury brands are often targeted by sellers of counterfeit goods.   Counterfeit goods mimic original merchandise, right down to the trademarked logo, but are made with inferior products and workmanship. That can be a minor annoyance when a “designer” handbag falls apart after a few weeks, but it can be a life-threatening health or safety hazard when the counterfeit item is medicine or an auto part. In some cases, counterfeit goods finance illegal activities and even exploit child labor.

The best way to avoid buying counterfeits is to buy directly from the brand owner through authorized resellers or at reputable retailers. Avoid clicking on emails with great offers on designer products. When buying online, use your credit card so you can dispute the charges if there is a problem.

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