Better Business Bureau Scam Alert - Healthcare Scams

Healthcare Scams - Healthcare scams typically start with an email, text message, or phone call that appears to be from a government agency. Con artists use a variety of stories. In one common version, the “agent” tells you that he or she needs to update account information in order to send a new medical card. In another version, the scammer asks for your account number in exchange for free equipment or services. Often the fraudster will pose as a government authority to persuade you to provide personal information related to your Medicare or Medicaid account for identity theft. In other cases, the con artist is after your health insurance, Medicaid, or Medicare information to submit fraudulent medical charges.

Never share personal confidential information with someone you don’t know who has contacted you unsolicited, whether its by phone, email, or on social media. This includes banking and credit card information, birthdate, Social Security number and your health insurance number.

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