The Mark Nolan Show

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Cleveland Bites with Jen Picciano March 26th

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Cleveland Bites with Jen Picciano has us thinking about how often we drunk shop online.

Drunk shopping has definitely become an easy trend for us Americans especially during quarantine. According to Finder's latest drunk shopping survey conducted in September of 2020, we spent over $44-billion on stuff while drinking. More than a fifth (21.4%) of Americans admit to having shopped under the influence. During the height of the pandemic people spent an average of $768.58 compared to the current year's average which is $423.73.

As you would expect women preferred to sip on some wine while shopping while guys would gulp down a beer. The survey also shows the West, by far, made drunk shopping a habit, with the Northeast coming in next followed by the South and Midwest.

It comes as no surprise that more than 80% of drunk shoppers ordered food followed by shoes, clothes and accessories at 60%. Did you make some or many drunk purchases last year and what did you buy?

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