Who loves to have an alcoholic beverage when you head out to a bar or restaurant? Have you ever wondered what does your drink of choice says about you? According to a recent survey 50% of all drinkers admit to being embarrassed to order their favorite beverages and they may have a good reason. A new Reddit thread has many bartenders weighing in on the conversation revealing the stereotypes they give to popular drink orders.
They say Margaritas are ordered by "Old ladies that want to party usually start with Margaritas" and people who order an Old Fashioned are "Either someone who knows their booze really well, or not at all, and they just want to look sophisticated." I think my favorite stereotype is the Jack & Coke "You'll be fighting someone in a few hours."
Mark loves a good Tito's & soda with a lime and Krystle indulges in Tito's as well but paired with pineapple juice and a splash of Grenadine. Is your drink on this list and what does that say about you? Do you think this is correct or a load of bologna? Check out the list of drinks and the funny memes that go along with them HERE