The Mark Nolan Show

The Mark Nolan Show

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Acceptable Work Attire

The pandemic has forced more people than ever to work from home. Now that the world seems to be opening up slowly people are beginning to head back into the office many men & women start to put our sweat pants and slippers away we realize our business attire doesn't fit anymore.

High end stores have now decided to start restocking business attire. Saks Fifth Avenue has started to carry more dresses, sandals and blouses than ever before according to the Wall Street Journal.

This report also noted that L.L. Bean says, pants with elastic waistbands are now being out sold by pants with zippers ad buttons. Even at J. Crew workers are seeing an up sale in customers looking at blazers and dress shirts which would be associated with people going back to work.

A student from Manhattan, Danielle Bergman shopping at Zaras, said she was looking for "comfy but nicer stuff." It seems that even though people are going back into the office they do not want to wear such binding clothing. She said "It's been a lot of lounging around wearing sweatpants, sweatshirts, loungewear and athletic wear. I'm ready to buy clothes for everyday life again. It feels good to go out, see people around shopping and enjoying themselves."

Another shopper, Rosario Arnas said "I don't do online shopping. You need to feel the fabric, see how it looks on you." She told the NY Post that "When you see a picture (of clothing online), it looks perfect. But when you try it on, it's like, ugh...I'm so happy I can get back to shopping for real clothes again."

Retailers are now saying it appears that people are looking for clothes that can be worn to many different occasions. Business casual is going to be the NEW trend in 2021.

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