Many of us do like doing laundry. It is time consuming and exhausting. There are some things in your house that you may not be washing as often as you should.
A poll done in the UK, asked people what items they wash only once a year or less frequently.
The number one item most people only wash once a year is coats. 38% of people admit that they only wash their jacket once a year. Blankets were not far behind at 36% of people saying they only wash them once a year, followed by cushion covers at 33%.
When was the last time you washed your scarf or gloves? Well they need a good clean too! Same goes for jeans, sweaters, hats and suits. 13% of people say they wash their hoodies only once a year. The worst culprit of all is the people who are only washing their bed sheets once a year. 38% of people admitted to that.
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