When was the last time you went through your underwear drawer and got rid of those old pairs taking up space?
Dr. Shirin Lakhani, from Elite Aesthetics, says that "Your underwear is in close contact with your skin and more specifically your intimate areas for prolonged periods of time." The underwear that you would wear to the gym should be replaced more often since we sweat more in them causing more bacteria to be prevalent in those pairs.
Our body creates both healthy and naturally occurring bacteria as well as more harmful bacteria that can cause infections such as thrush and STIs. When we wear our under garments for a long time they can collect dead skin and bacteria both good and bad. Most bacteria will not hurt you but in the right conditions it can result in irritations, discharge and urinary tact infections.
Research suggests that just washing your underwear in the machine will not always get rid of bacteria as strong as E. Coli. Gynecologist, Narendra Pisal, says "Throwing out your underwear depends on how many pairs you actually have." Some experts say you should throw out your underwear at least once a year. While other doctors say to throw out your cotton underwear after a maximum of 50 washes.
When was the last time you threw out a pair of old undies?
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