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Most Annoying Things Passengers Do On Planes

The Buried Salmon took to Reddit to ask flight attendants and/or pilots "What are some things passengers do that get on your nerves?" Many responded and here are the 21 things that airline workers say you should NOT do on your next flight.

Here are a few of the annoyances that passengers do that drive airline staff crazy:

People Want To Join The Mile High Club - "Don’t have sex in the bathrooms y’all. No, you aren’t being quiet and yes, we will know. This is THE grossest place you could possibly want to do the deed, as bathrooms NEVER GET DEEP-CLEANED, EVER.”

Leaving Garbage Behind - “Last week I had a grown-ass couple spit huge globs of gum onto the floor and then step on it to try to rub it in. Like, seriously? Why?"

Changing Your Baby's Dirty Diaper On The Seat Next To You - "If you need to change your baby on a plane, go to the toilet. No one enjoys the smell of piss and shit, especially in a small place like an airplane. Be respectful."

Walking Around Barefoot - "I cringe when I see people run around barefoot, especially near/in restrooms. I bet almost every aircraft has a restroom where someone couldn't make it in time and vomited right in front of it."

Clapping When The Plane Lands Successfully - "Imagine if someone clapped every time you merged off a highway. It's just our job, its not that hard to do."

Standing Up As Soon As The Plane Lands - "Y'all could be sitting effortlessly until we make the bridge and disarm the door, but nah."

Parents Not Watching Their Kids - "The aircraft isn't childproof and there's a surprising amount of things kids can injure themselves on."

Joking About the Pilot Being Drunk - “You may say it as a joke and think it’s funny, but we have to take those comments seriously. If you honestly smell booze, speak up. If not, it’s not funny and keep your mouth shut."

Check out all the responses in the full article on

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