The Mark Nolan Show

The Mark Nolan Show

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Morning Habits That Do More Harm Than Good

Your morning routine can be affecting your levels of stress. Marriage and family therapist, Athina Danilo, says these morning habits can be causing you unnecessary anxiety.

Who doesn't love to sit down and enjoy a long leisurely breakfast? If your mornings are filled with chaos sitting down to eat can be increasing your levels of stress. If you are short on time, sitting down to eat can end up escalating your urgency to get out the door.

Sitting down and eating breakfast with the family is great for bonding but try making that a dinner time habit so you do not feel rushed in the morning. That extra time you save by not sitting down can be used to sleep longer which will help you be in a better state of mind when you wake.

Do you hit the snooze button? They say it is better for you to just get up out of bed. Prolonging your bed stay can actually make you feel more rushed once you do get up causing your stress levels to increase. It can also leave you feeling more groggy. If you are someone who loves to get those extra few minutes, try setting an alarm 30 minutes prior to waking up so you can get a deeper and uninterrupted snooze.

For some people though, getting right out of bed is not right way for their brains and bodies to start to function. Scrolling on their phone or watching the news can leave those people more energized and in a good mental state to start the day.

Try making a to-do list to help you free up space in your brain. Getting those thoughts organized and on paper can help you feel more in control of the day ahead.

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