The Mark Nolan Show

The Mark Nolan Show

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Self-Esteem Destroyers

We live in the digital age and it is hard not to compare yourself to others you see on the internet. Accepting & liking yourself for who you are can increase your confidence. Negativity can just weigh you down and hide the great person you truly are inside. gathered the top 7 destructive things we do to our self-image.

Stop picking at yourself! We are always our own worst critics. No one is perfect so stop trying to live up to those unrealistic expectations. Accept yourself for who you are good and bad. We all make mistakes and don't always look perfect.

Stop comparing yourself to others. You should be on a quest to better yourself everyday. We are all different and have differences in opinion on what we believe is acceptable. If you continuously try to live up to someone else's standards you will not be happy in the long run. This is your life not theirs. To try and combat theses feelings start by trying to spend less time on social media.

Make better choices! When you stop making bad decisions you will see a difference in your life.

Take time for yourself! Self-care is very important when it comes to your mental health. You are awesome and deserve to smile more!

Not only should you be mentally healthy but you should want to be physically healthy as well. Pay more attention to what you are putting into your body and get moving. Exercise releases chemicals that make you feel good and if you are eating healthy you won't feel so weighed down or bloated.

Make sure you surround yourself with like minded people. Toxic relationships with friends/spouses/family can leave you feeling sad, frustrated and/or angry. You don't want to keep that negative energy around because it can creep into your own outlook on life.

Set goals for yourself that are achievable. Once you reach those goals you can always set new ones. Nothing feels better than accomplishing something you set your mind to.

Remember confidence is the key to happiness!

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