Not happy at your current job? More than half of Americans haven't been satisfied with their jobs since 2000 according to research. The pandemic has changed a lot of things and for many those included changes at work. There are many things that you cannot control but you can make these changes to increase your happiness while at work.
The first thing you should do is hack your job by creating three lists. Start taking note of things you do like about your job. Then make a list of the hassles and headaches as well as things you want to be able to do in your job, even if they have nothing to do with your responsibilities. Then take a look at the first two lists and try to tackle those items. Go for the small wins first. Some things will directly correlate with your job duties and others will be focused on how to boost your happiness or ease your stress while there. Don't forget it is all about progress.
Build relationships with your coworkers. Many of us spend most of our time at work and having friends while there can make things feel much better. Being connected with your peers will make work a more enjoyable place to be and you will look forward to seeing them. Socializing helps keep you awake and a few laughs throughout the day never hurt anyone.
Create a new job title for yourself. That doesn't mean you go around the office and start boasting about the new title you created. This is a tool for you to use to reframe the way you think about your job. It can help ease the tough parts and give more meaning and purpose to what you do. If you are ever feeling overwhelmed, remind yourself that you get paid for the work you do and that paycheck helps provide for you and your family.
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