Most people decide to diet because they feel their midsection has gotten a little too round. Many diets can help you slim down but how do you get a flatter stomach? According to registered dieticians it is all about your eating habits. They say you can trim down without crash diets or depriving yourself.
Drink more water! Registered dietician Samantha McKinney advises that you drink half your body weight, in ounces, of water every day. Staying hydrated is important for your health but is also a key ingredient in achieving a flatter tummy. She says, "This not only hydrates, detoxifies, and boosts energy but it also helps you naturally limit your intake of soda, sweetened coffee drinks and other sugary beverages."
Start filling up on protein! Not only will it help you feel fuller longer but it will also make it easier to gain that flat belly by replacing the less healthy foods in your diet. By getting enough protein daily you can help stabilize your blood sugar and insulin, as well as curb those cravings for processed foods since it is so filling, explains McKinney.
Load up on your vegetables! Nutrition experts suggest eating 5 to 7 cups of non-starchy vegetables each day to help you reach your flat-stomach goal. This will fill your body with all kinds of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients. It will also fill you up with "hunger-busting fiber" that will help regulate your appetite.
Stop wolfing down your food and take your time. Eat more slowly and savor your meals, it could help flatten your tummy. Trista Best, registered dietician, explains that when you eat too quickly you cause yourself to swallow more air than normal which can lead to that bloated feeling.
Check out all the tips for a flatter tummy at Eat This, Not That