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Reasons The Sex Train Can Stop

At some point in everyone's life, married, or otherwise attached, friend complaining about a lack of the sex, and thought to themselves, “I won’t ever let that happen.” However, there’s some bad news lurking for you…even in the greatest of relationships, a dry spell can still hit. Sometimes it’s a matter of timing and a lack of opportunity. Other times, it’s a personal situation going on. Here are some of the reasons experts say they might not be as hot to get down with you as they once were.

  • Stress – A heavy load of personal, work, or school responsibilities is the biggest libido killer. Hectic work loads can keep their mind off your load, and busy schedules can make it hard to arrange time. Offering to help take away some of the stress and making booty appointments can help.
  • Taken For Granted – In the beginning, you were both constantly all over each other. Then, it became a routine and almost felt like an expectation. Take some time to make them feel like they are worth putting in an effort for. It’ll work wonders.
  • Communication – Assumptions are a killer. When someone just sits on their computer or phone during their down time, the other person can just assume they’re too preoccupied to be with you. Put your devices down and talk to each other. You might find out you’re wanting the same thing.
  • What She Wants – This goes along with communication. If you ask what they want and what they’re into…they’ll tell you. That makes things much easier. Otherwise, you’re just doing what you want and hoping it’s working for them, and that can make it seem like it’s all about you.
  • Boredom – As awesome as sex is, the same thing, the same way, every time gets predictable. Don’t be afraid to make suggestions and try new things. Even if you don’t like it, at least you know what you don’t want to do again. Otherwise, enjoy the fresh experiences you’re having together, and do the ones you like repeatedly.

Read the full article for yourself at Ask Men

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